
I have seen a lot of people asking about mentoring or training services. I know PTAC training is basic and those conducting the training are usually government employees who have never worked on the contractor side of the business. I have also seen a lot of YouTube videos of people saying I can show you how to make $100,000 with this simple trick. I’ve been in government contracting for over 20 years and there are not simple tricks to winning a contract. I do have experience providing training. I have been considering developing a training program people can enroll in that will teach the basics of government contracting. Unfortunately, due to the time involved developing the training programs I would need to charge an enrollment fee. I’m not trying to make this a full-time business because I still work as a government contractor myself, but there would be expense and a lot of time involved in getting it up and running. I still need to do some calculations, but I would love to hear your opinion about this type of training (I’m thinking of live zoom training) and what you think the value may be. Would you pay $200 for a basic live “How to Get Started Class”?

Phil Davidson
Author: Phil Davidson

I have worked in the Defense Industry as a contractor for over 20 years. I do Business Development for a small aviation company right now, but I have worked as a full-time and part-time consultant over the years. I decided to redesign my website as a place where I can share information about my experience and help companies come together for working together and teaming.

2 Replies to “Mentoring/Training”

  1. Hi Phil,

    Great website, I currently have 2 businesses sourcing vehicles for companies and individuals as well as providing customer service solutions to companies.

    Im looking to get into government contracting, and looking for some tips and guidance in selling said services, would love a zoom call with you if you’re free and available?

    1. Joshua,

      Thank you for your comments. Its good to hear someone has taken notice of what I’m doing.

      I looked at your websites. I gather you’re located in the UK. Due to the Buy American Act you may have difficulty contracting with the US Government, but it’s not impossible. My suggestion would be to locate a US company that offers similar services and see if you can work a Joint Venture that would allow the US company to expand their capability into Europe and you to expand into the US market.

      Another suggestion would be to look at NSPA (formerly NAMSA). NSPA is the NATO procurement agency. Any NATO company can use NSPA including the US.

      Sorry about the delay in responding to your comment. I do travel a fair amount. I just returned from a conference.

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