The challenge of selling services is selling a product that can’t be seen or touched or held. Selling a product can be just as challenging because you can’t always pull one out of your bag for the customer to see. The only thing a customer can see is you. So, you must sell yourself before you can sell the company’s services or capabilities. This is where the Art of Business Development begins. Viewing yourself as the “product” being sold is a new concept to many people, but a vital concept to understand. You are what’s being sold.
As you build your network of customers and contacts you want them to view you as a source of solutions to their biggest problems, not a business development rep working for a company, just another salesman. It is difficult to tell you how to accomplish this because the techniques that work for you may not work for somebody else. In addition, every person you talk to has different concerns and problems they need a solution for. They also have different personalities which must be approached in different ways to earn their trust and respect. You need people to feel comfortable talking to you and not feeling like you’re just there to “pump them for information”. People know why you are there. You’re there to find new opportunities or get more information about upcoming projects they may be involved with. If they are comfortable with you in many cases they will tell you what they know without you having to ask. They know you want to help them so they want to help you. Its that simple.
Treat people with respect and courtesy and you’ll get the same in return. Patience is a big part of the Art of Business Development.